
Resource Scheduling in OnePlan

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Welcome to your OnePlan trial!  Follow this simple guide to get you familiar with how quickly you can manage your team's work using OnePlan.  

Watch the video below or read the step-by-step instructions.  

Log in to OnePlan

Log into  

OnePlan typically uses your Office365 user account to authenticate.  For this trial, you'll log in as Steve McGarrett.

  • Username: [email protected]
  • Password: (Please contact your Wicresoft rep for the current password)
Create a New Plan & Schedule Your People

First, you'll create your own plan.  A plan is a broad term that can be anything - a project, an initiative, a bunch of stuff that needs to get done that all have a common goal, etc.  Then, build out your resource schedule by booking resources, aka your people, to work.  

1. Create a New Plan

  1. Go to the Scheduler via the Scheduler icon on the navigation menu.
  2. Click the New menu (blue icon) & select Add Plan.
  3. Enter your desired Plan Name.
  4. Complete the other fields on the form.
  5. Click Save.

You must refresh your browser at this point before moving on to the next step.

2. New Booking for a Named Person

Now that you have a plan, it's time to book your resources to work.  You may know who will be doing the work, so you will assign a named person.

  1. Click the New menu (blue icon) & select Add Booking.
  2. Select your plan.
  3. Enter a Task/Booking Name.
  4. Enter a Resource Name – begin typing Steve and it will find the resource.
  5. Select From and To Booking Dates.
  6. Select Allocation Type fields (Hours per day, % Allocation, Total Hours) - note that these three fields work together based on an 8 hour work day.
  7. Click Save.

If desired, you may go to the Information & Notes tab to add more details to your booking.

3. New Booking for a Generic Resource

Time to book another resource to work.  You may not know who will be doing the work, so you will assign a generic resource (role) that can later be assigned to a named person.

  1. Click the New menu (blue icon) & select Add Booking.
  2. Select your plan.
  3. Enter a Task/Booking Name.
  4. Enter a Resource Name – begin typing Business Analyst and it will find the generic resource.
  5. Select From and To Booking Dates.
  6. Select Allocation Type fields (Hours per day, % Allocation, Total Hours) - note that these three fields work together based on an 8 hour work day.
  7. Click Save.

If desired, you may go to the Information & Notes tab to add more details to your booking.

View & Manage Resource Schedules Across Multiple Plans

Next, you will review resource allocation across all plans.  Make changes as needed to make sure your team isn't overbooked.

1. View Bookings & Adjust View Modes

  1. All bookings are grouped by assigned resource, both the named people & the generic resource roles.  Expand a resource, such as “Steve McGarrett,” to see their bookings.  
  2. Adjust the view settings to analyze the resource bookings.
  • Toggle the (H) icon & (%) icon in the view toolbar to toggle hours & % of allocation.
  • Change the Zoom to be narrow or broad, such as from “Week” to “Month.”
  • Change the Group By to group by another field, such as Role or Department.  
  • Change the Date Range.

2. Adjust Bookings

To change allocations, you can do any of the following:

  • Select and hold a booking bar to drag and drop it - moving the start and finish dates.
  • Select and hold a booking bar to drag and drop it - dragging the bar on another resource that has availability.
  • Double click on the booking bar to edit the details.

3. Toggle to Grid View

Optionally, you can also use a Grid View to create and assign your plan bookings.

  1. Click on the Plans icon on the navigation menu.
  2. Select a Plan.  Note: New plans may also be created here.
  3. Click Grid to open the Grid view mode.
View Resource Management Reports

Lastly, you will analyze resource allocation with the Resource Management reports.  Note: these reports show example data, not the data from the Trial Site where you enter your plan & resource bookings. 

1. Launch Reports

The OnePlan Resource Management reports are stored in Power BI.  

  1. Open Power BI via this link to review the reports: Resource Management Reports - Click Here
  2. Click through the tabs to view the different reports.

For additional help information, visit the full OnePlan Guide:

Previous Article Resource Scheduling in Project Online using OnePlan